Yoga and CBD are a perfect couple, just like apples and cinnamon: no wonder it is considered one of the best combinations in the world to improve the quality of life!
By now we know practically everything about Yoga, in the sense that it is a well-established discipline and that well or badly everything, even the less experienced, knows what it is and the word alone is able to recall images, concepts and representations of the discipline.
CBD (cannabidiol) instead is an apparently younger and modern phenomenon: we are talking about a cannabinoid present in hemp, which is building its popularity thanks to its countless benefits, and to the fact that it does not have the same psychotropic properties of its most famous alter ego, that is THC.
Combining CBD and Yoga
The combination of Yoga and CBD is so appreciated because it manages to give people the same benefits to both mind and and body: it manages to calm anxiety, relieves pain, relieves stress and improves the overall mind-body relationship. This allows us to consider it a truly effective combination and affordable for everyone.
But the most important thing is that the combination of yoga and CBD can give the greatest benefits and an even more positive influence on the mind and body when practiced in combination rather than with the regular use of the two components separately: and in this article we will talk about their combination and the influence they can have on improving the quality of life.
YOGA and CBD Classes
During their sessions, yoga practitioners use a combination of physical exercises/postures and mental and spiritual practices. Yoga postures are called Asana, a Sanskrit word meaning “comfortable and maintained posture.”
These techniques are thought to have originated in ancient India as part of the Hindu religion.
Some of the fundamental aspects of yoga include controlling breathing and meditation, along with adopting various body postures. In the West, most people practice a form of yoga derived from Hatha Yoga.
Most yoga lovers claim that the main benefits are increased relaxation and better health, supporting our cardiovascular circulation, helping us manage daily stress, reducing anxiety, panic attacks and depression.

A whole series of benefits that we have already talked about on this blog, which are in addition to many others that make it very close to a real sport.
It allows us to be clearer and more focused, improves our balance and strength, lengthens our muscles, making us more flexible.
Hemp, on the other hand, is used everywhere for its extraordinarily effective relaxing properties and the feeling of well-being it generates. For many people, hemp is an excellent antidote to stress and anxiety, which in modern urban life can seem ubiquitous.
But not only that, thanks to the cannabidiol boom, it’s now a reality that goes much further. We’ve talked many times before about CBD and sports, and how this cannabinoid is now firmly established in the daily lives of sportsmen and women, both as a support for sports and medical activities.
The name is pretty self-explanatory: yoga and CBD classes are regular yoga classes, but each of the participants took a few drops of CBD before the class, to enhance the effects of yoga by allowing their bodies to relax faster
Yoga and CBD classes are generally less intense and focus more on physical/mental unity of purpose rather than just physical exercise.
While doing yoga, one should feel more in touch with our emotions and our senses by getting closer to the more spiritual part of ourselves, rather than getting in touch with just the body and muscles
At the end of class, it is common practice to consume other CBD products or use CBD creams and lotions to soothe the muscles after the intense mental and physical exertion of class.
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