Although the combination of dogs plus CBD has not been fully tested and more scientific studies are required to give an accurate answer, since so far researchers have focused on studies on rats and humans, the benefits of CBD oil can not be passed under the table, especially if your dog suffers from anxiety, is scared during storms or rainy days, is nervous when they visit your home or if he behaves really bad when you leave him alone.
In addition to these behavioural problems, CBD oil has shown promising results in treating seizures, loss of appetite, cancer, arthritis or coat problems and considering that your dog is a mammal just like you, the therapeutic responses in this case are estimated to be similar.
Exactly what benefits will the CBD give your dog?
Among the benefits that have been listed of the CBD we can mention
Anti-inflammatory effect. CBD oil helps in the reduction and release of cytokines, substances produced in the body that trigger an inflammatory response and is associated with allergies, hypersensitivity and autoimmune diseases.
Analgesic effect. Mainly if your dog suffers from chronic pain which in turn is associated with inflammation.
Anticonvulsant. Of all the potential therapeutic uses being researched around CBD, this is the only use that has so far been approved worldwide by the FDA in the United States for infants.
Approximately 5% of dogs have seizures at least once in their lives and typical drugs are often highly toxic, so the use of CBD oil is quite interesting.
Your dog’s vet should be aware that you are considering this alternative therapy, his recommendations are always useful and necessary, and the last thing you want is for your dog to suffer or have a bad time.
What should you look for in the CBD oil you are going to administer?
The rule to always follow with your dogs is that, if you would not take it, do not give it to your pet.
The CBD oils are more and more common in the market and you must pay a lot of attention to know what you are buying, it will not be that, with the current boom of this substance, you fall into a scam. The first thing you will read on the label of the CBD oil or the bottle is, what is the THC content of the oil, and why?
CBD is a cannabinoid, which means that it comes from the Cannabis plant. Possibly yes, and that is the scientific name for marijuana.
But before you worry, CBD oil will not drug your dog, as long as it does not contain THC, sometimes it is really difficult to separate THC from CBD considering that both are in the same plant and have an identical molecular structure, they just differ in the position of the atoms, so the important thing is that the THC content is below 0.3%, as this is the substance responsible for the psychoactive and toxic effects.
So, to recap, the CBD oil you are going to buy must declare the THC content it contains, ideally no THC or less than 0.3%, higher levels can cause toxic effects.
The second thing you should consider is dosage. In oils, dosages are not always exactly defined as in pills. If your bottle has a dosage measure with the measurements and dose, excellent.
If not, the important thing is that it declares the content of CBD in the total bottle and that you take into account that each drop is 0.05 mL. Therefore, if the bottle has a net content of 20 ml and declares 100 mg of CBD, each drop you give your dog will have 0.25 mg of CBD, if the dose is 1 mg, you should give 4 drops.
And finally you must consider that the oil to administer must be a clear liquid, without presence of rare particles floating. It must be organic and natural, with little or no presence of chemicals or synthetic compounds, mainly those that come from the practice of agriculture as pesticides. These pesticides are sometimes the ones that actually cause the dangerous side effects.
As for the ideal dosage, it has not yet been defined and will depend on the medical condition you are going to treat on your dog. Your vet will be able to give you a better idea of the ideal dosage so that you can achieve the desired therapeutic effect without intoxication. In general, doses of around 1mg per 5kg of weight are indicated to start with in most cases.
Try to visit their page for more info about best CBD oil for dogs.